Climate change and sustainability in Spanish classrooms: State of the art and didactic proposal
This paper designs a learning situation on sustainability and climate change that can be implemented in the Spanish and European context. Climate change has become a global challenge that must be faced in a cross-cutting manner from multiple fields and involving all citizens. The educational system should be oriented towards increasing the environmental awareness of society, promoting practices and habits that respect the preservation of ecosystems and, in short, education for sustainability.
The publication provides the following takeaways:
- It is essential to provide teachers of this and other specialties with resources and didactic proposals that facilitate the teaching–learning process and increase the environmental awareness of students who, in turn, demand knowledge on these issues in order to position themselves in a society that is increasingly concerned and informed about the ecological issue;
- To meet objectives, specific activities are required that, like the learning situation proposed in this paper, place students in a position of active and autonomous work that allows them to acquire proactive competencies and skills to contribute, from their daily lives to the objectives set by the authorities in terms of sustainability;
- At the same time, this should be performed without ignoring the importance of instructing students in other elementary geographic knowledge that all students should have at the end of their time in the educational system.
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10.3390/socsci12020108 (DOI)
Number of pages
31 p.
Publication year