Disaster Resilience Network (DRN) Ghana And Partner’s; African Union of Broadcasting – AUB UNDRR Focal Point, Weija-Gbawe Municipal Assembly, Ghana’s National Disaster Management Organization - NADMO joins United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – UNDRR to Celebrate International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – IDDRR 13 October 2021 on the theme: “International Cooperation for developing Countries to reduce their disaster risk and disaster losses. #OnlyTogether #DRRDay
The day was commemorated with a joint video message lead by Disaster Resilience Network Ghana Founder and Executive Director Victor K. A. Foli and African Union of Broadcasting – UNDRR Focal Point in Africa, Executive Assistant of the CEO Margaret Komol Sipora. The occasion was also used to increase levels of ambitions of partner Organization’s and call for international cooperation to support developing countries in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, allocate adequate resources and investment in disaster reduction and climate change adaptation to avoid catastrophic growth in extreme weather events.
DRNGHANA video message reiterated the fact that Ghana and Africa greatest assets and resources are the young ones and the youths. As they will inherit the environment and make decisions in the future. He admonished them that they are unique and as future leaders they have to begin now: thinking, ideating, advocating, arguing, informing, and acting on building resilience. Because it’s only together we can achieve. His message to the youth ended with a climax; Your future starts now!!
AUB CEO Executive Assistant Margaret Komol Sipora took her message to Africa Governments and the fourth states of the realm, the media. She pointed stated the media have a key role to play in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation actions as well as the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic crippling development in African continent.
She urged all 54 member countries and the media fraternity of the African Union of Broadcasting to raise more awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that we face to attract capacity building for all community members to help them reduce their exposure to disasters. Committed in training journalist to inform, educate and report on disaster risk reduction strategies through crafting responsive DRR policies, adopting an all-of-society approach towards resilience.
The Video Message will be presented to United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction – UNDRR and broadcast on social media platforms. DRNGhana will continue in this cooperation to strengthen communities and cities resilience to disasters and climate change in accordance to achieve UNDRR Sendai Framework 2015-2030.