Meetings and conferences

AIDR: Fighting inequality for a resilient future




2.00pm - 3.00pm AEDT


The United Nations General Assembly has designated 13 October as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction to promote a global culture of disaster risk reduction.

The theme of the 2023 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is about fighting inequality for a resilient future. It looks at the relationship between disasters and poverty, inequality and discrimination. Inequality underpins conditions that can leave people more exposed and vulnerable to disasters, such as having less access to financial resources, services, insurance, safe and secure housing, and representation in decision making arenas. When disasters do occur, they can disproportionately impact the most at risk people and exacerbate inequalities.

It is clear that addressing inequality is a key part of reducing disaster risk and building a resilient future.

Join AIDR on 11 October for an important panel conversation exploring different perspectives on disaster risk and inequality. Our panel will highlight key issues and provide examples and recommendations on how to better support resilience for all.


  • Bhiamie Williamson
  • Joanna Quilty
  • Loriana Bethune
  • Bronwyn Lay

Moderator: Margaret Moreton

Join the conversation: #ResilienceForAll #BreakTheCycle #DRRDay

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